How to click on a button
I want to make a login but i dont know how to click on it that the focus will end ... on C# its: If( == true){ Button.focus = false; } How can I code this on JavaScript
","upvoteCount":2},{"@type":"Answer","text":"I can't explain to u by one example so check this : \n","upvoteCount":1},{"@type":"Answer","text":"U need to call input like this \n\nI didn't code it in perfect way but only to show u how .","upvoteCount":1},{"@type":"Answer","text":"Thank you!","upvoteCount":0},{"@type":"Answer","text":"Wedad Saleh How can i design this button on css ?","upvoteCount":0},{"@type":"Answer","text":"Wedad Saleh Where is the mistake? I dont know it sry \n","upvoteCount":0},{"@type":"Answer","text":"Thanks a lot !!!","upvoteCount":0}]} }
I want to make a login but i dont know how to click on it that the focus will end ... on C# its: If( == true){ Button.focus = false; } How can I code this on JavaScript