Making game in 1 (One) GB RAM, is it possible?
I always wanted to make game from when i was at primary school, and i'm at middle-school now, but unfortunately i can't do that because my family economy condition. Even the laptop i'm using now is just a "present" from someone. My parents cannot buy me a new one because we don't have enough money. So, can I make android games on my laptop? (1 GB RAM, Intel Pentium Processor, and free storage less than 50 GB) Or can you give me some advice to.. maybe like switch into web programming? Or something like that.. please help me.. I LOVE CODING so much
25 Answers
+ 2
2D game is fine, with native library your favorite language, e.g. pixi.js for javascript, pygame for python, gosu for ruby, etcetc...
android game dev is possible, but not really convenient. for example,
create game with that tools atleast it can be run on your computer first -> create an apk file for android ver. -> test it on your phone or install androidx86 in your computer natively (not emulator)
top-tier game engine like unity/unreal/gamemaker is not possible, uh, maybe you can search for old version but i'm not sure.
although, is not the bad idea to moving up to lightweight linux distros (lubuntu, puppy, etc.) because almost any tools you want to make for your daily programming is easily to install and you can still follow the latest update for the tools you're using.
btw, i still using a computer with pentium 1 with 256mb ram and 2gb hd (1998-ish) for game dev stuff (even though not for daily stuff), and it's still run fine ;)
+ 3
There are a lot of game engines for mobile development. I can't go through everyone but I found I list that you can spend your time browsing to determine if they are compatible. I'm confident that you'll be able to build something.
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Taste you run can Java ide from a web browser. https://repl.it/languages/java
Also I have given him a list of engines to try, many of which use web languages.
+ 2
html js, is must in html5 game dev.
php needed if you need an online feature to your game
css, not so much i guess othervthan decoration outside canvas
+ 2
Yes, those that you mentioned and many more!
Find out more information here.
+ 1
yes a web programming will be much lighter than full on android in development phrase.
you can start with text based, then start working out the graphic.
imo as long as the game has a good narative, grapics isnt all necessary
+ 1
CringeProgrammer I mean, I still using that computer with the recent program install it in this time.
In that time, yeah, it's not that bad, but for now, I think no one want to use that.
whoops, i'm not good at wording, hahah, i'm sorry ^^;)a
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with webview, yeah. just make sure everything is in single page
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the main problem here is in dev phrase, i think unity/ue is out.
i havent try much other stuff, maybe godot ?
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yes its should use lesser resources, by using online ide.
but i never actually use them, and i'm not sure about playtest and debugging. maybe Chris C. can help with that
+ 1
Yes, there are tools to convert your mobile HTML 5 apps to android.
Also, I found an HTML 5 framework that looks very interesting and could be just what you're looking for.
+ 1
CringeProgrammer possible but not easy. I suggest you only use the online java ide for learning purposes. Once your ready to build a full game then you can look for better options. Because of your limited specs it is hard to suggest anything else to you. I think you have enough info to get started on simple projects. Also if you want to give development a try on your phone check out these apps. https://dev.to/bauripalash/how-to-start-game-development-on-android-5fe
@Taste you mean making web games? Like games run on browser? Using html5?
yes, and the plus is it can run on any platform that has browser
@Rikimaru well thanks, but maybe 256mb at that time is still an average? I mean not that low-end..
Btw English is difficult
Chris C. are you sure ? java IDE is kinda heavy on resource.
maybe js, html5 if you choose web development ?
i kinda want to recomend an engine like rpgmaker since its portable to android, but its not a free software
But html games can be exported to android right? @Taste