+ 1
How can coding cure my dépression ?
8 Answers
+ 3
By reverting your focus into getting the code to run you are "forced" to forget your root cause of depression.
Admittedly though, it can be depressing when you face a troublesome code and still yet to come up with a solution. At this point, try and find an alternative diversion : )
+ 2
Biologically speaking, whenever you solve a problem or write a code which compiles successfully dopamine is released in your brain as a reward-motivator. Dopamine is a chemical in your brain which gives you a sense of pleasure. This not only helps to cure your depression but also motivate you to write more code.
So keep coding :)
+ 1
Lol Jacob Burgess , but if smoking cigarettes cure depression, they do bring negative impacts(health risks) along with it. Coding has no negative impacts thus coding > smoking cigarettes :)