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File was loaded in the wrong encoding: 'UTF-8'
I tried transfering contents in binary format from 1 jpg to another , named 'ichigo'. PyCharm was able to open jpg's but couldn't open those which were created by me. I tried creating jpg both ways : manually and automatically by using 'wb' file mode but they opened like a text sorta file. It worked yesterday but I guess I messed something up in my last session PS: The image 'ichigo' does shows up when opened manually in PyCharm , it ain't corrupted. The problem is that it doesn't show the image when manually created by me or by the code . Thanks! https://photos.app.goo.gl/Xp2bWSKYiyHCwsas6
1 Answer
The link says "Album is empty".
Can you share your code? The problem is more likely related to your code than your jpg files. It sounds like you're incorrectly trying to convert binary data to strings somewhere.