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3D web-based game challange
Modern web technologies make it possible for developers to create wonderful games. Create and submit your 3D web-based game and win! Implement an original and outstanding game that includes the following: 1. A point system: award players points when they complete challenges in the game. 2. Custom characters: if the players use characters to play, provide a way to customize their look. 3. Fast, glitch-free play. 4. The project should be an original work of the author, not copies from other sources. Your game can be any theme: a car race, a platform game like Mario, or anything else you can create. Try to come up with a unique game that beats the others with creative ideas and solid implementation
1 Answer
Marvin WĂŒrtz Please, this is not the place for things like this, this is the Q&A section. Post this on your feed, or as an assignment!