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In python Why is this :: symbol is used can anyone would like to explain me this
I have one program in which that symbol was used a=[5,10,15,20,25] del a[::2] print(a) And the output was [10, 20]
5 Answers
+ 9
These are two separate colons.
Take this & the next lessons again:
+ 6
so in your sample the code means:
del a[::2]
delete every 2nd element, starting from 1st element up to the last element. 5, 15 and 25 will be deleted. 20 and 20 remains.
+ 4
can you show us the complete part / line of code. I estimate you mean this [::-1]?
+ 2
[::2] is list slicing
in that context it means removing every other element
list slicing has many aplocations... 😄
+ 2
Actually i did reached uptil the list slicing 😌😅
Then to but i know understood the concept properly 😎👍.I won't forget.
thank guys for ur help