+ 4
How to bold only one word in whole sentence in html
9 Answers
+ 11
Wrap it in a <b> tag
<p>The quick brown fox <b>jumps</b> over the lazy dog</p>
+ 7
<p>This is a paragraph with a single <b>word</b> being bold.</p>
+ 6
Thanks everyone
+ 5
Consider yourself lucky you got 2 platinum mods to answer you. This information is also available in the html tutorial.
+ 4
You can also make use of <strong>.... </strong>
" .... " means the part of the text you wanna bold
Note: <strong> element makes sentence important
+ 3
Thanks everyone
+ 2
Just do:
<b>This</b> is a sentence
+ 1
If you want to bold it with a value that is different from the defualt value in <b> tag then you can use <span> tag and set the value you want to font-weight with css
+ 1
Use <b>or <strong> tags to bold a text