+ 4
PHP Certification
Does anyone know a good place to gain a PHP certification?
10 Answers
+ 6
Sonic exactly...I remembered sometime ago about 4 years now when I finished high school and I didn't want to rush into the university. ..i went out seeking for a job and they requested a skill from me and I realize I had a certificate from @SoloLearn after i completed the HTML fundamentals Course so I decided to print it out, added it to my application letter and boom my application was accepted, that was the only skill I had by then which helped me secured the work.
+ 6
<? php $perez="Silver"; echo $perez; ?> you could be a real life advertisement for this App! Well done!
+ 2
Sololearn has one 😁.
+ 2
go to W3 school it's an apk you can find it in Google play store.
+ 2
Maybe u can see more information this https://www.zend.com/en/services/certification
+ 2
Thanks a lot Ivan Chechikov
+ 2
Manimekalai K well you seem to have the certificate now.
+ 1
Sonic ...lol
+ 1
I have completed PHP course. But certificate not yet received.
+ 1
W3schools or sololearn