iFrame with automatic hight
I build a website with an iFrame. The only problem is, that it doesn't fit to the browser's high. Is there somebody who knows an good code to solve that problem. It also should include a space below (around 25px). Code: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Crafttopia.org</title> </head> <body> <div> <iFrame src="https://crafttopiainsel.wixsite.com/crafttopia" style="width:100%; height:642px; border:none;" frameborder="0" name="Page"> <p><b><big>iFrame wird von ihrem Browser nicht unterstĂŒtzt!</big></b></p> <a href="https://crafttopiainsel.wixsite.com/crafttopia"> Besuchen sie uns stattdessen hier! </a> </iFrame> </div> </body> </html> (Text is written in German)