+ 7
Typo alert!
Hi SoloLearn, If you like to, you may remove the following typo in conjunction with an upcoming release: C++ --> Conditionals and Loops --> The switch Statement --> 5/5 --> "The rest of the cases would be executed, untill encoutering a break statement" "untill [sic.]" should be spelled "until" Best, Senfman
8 Answers
+ 3
You are same like me Senfman. Fixing errors :) I use to read each and every word with full concentration until I satisfied. I do not know why but I am like this. :)
+ 15
+ 10
oh man! ..I have to say, u follow the tutorials very seriously and very minutely👍
+ 6
No, not serious, of course. But within a community, editorial work is also a joint effort. And qulity matters.
+ 5
For me, it is something that simply I cannot filter out, I tried. And I'm not blaming SoloLearn for something or try to show how bad it is what they are doing (honestly it's pretty fantastic what they do). I simply know that mistakes come naturally and you need people to fix them. And as there are people who cannot hold back their sarcasm on comments like Mine, I cannot hold back my drive to fix errors ;-)
+ 4
Neven, and meanwhile I'm convinced that it is important to have someone like us in every development team :-)
+ 1
True Senfman :)
+ 1
for me, they are some similar the if-elseif and switch sentence. with the peculiarity that if-elseif it can be nested.