+ 3
Can someone pls explain extensively the functions of comments
10 Answers
+ 8
Things we write in comments are ignore by compiler we just write it for understanding of code
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Comments are used to clarify the purpose of the program or the purpose of some statements in the program .Comments come handy when we write long program.
+ 2
Thank u bruh
+ 2
Thank u saeed
Comment is use for the diacribe the meaning of that input or any function or meaning the code.understanding for coder, and the comment is ignore by compiler when coder is compile the code
comments are used to guide the reader when they are coding
What you write in a comment is not compiled because itâs not code. Itâs just text and you can use it to write things that can help you to remember what you need to about any line or code block.
they are just there to help whoever might use your code to understand better. it also helps you when your revisit old codes you did to be easier to follow your code