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C++ - Pointers strike again
Why with penultimate instruction (p = "XYZWVU") p changes, but s DOESN'T? #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { const char* p = "12345"; const char **q = &p; *q = "abcde"; cout << *p << endl; const char* s = ++p; cout << *s << endl; p = "XYZWVU"; cout << *++s; return 0; }
1 Answer
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When you do
const char* s = ++p;
You are declaring a pointer s and pointing it at the second character within string literal "abcde". At this point, yes, p and s both point to the contents of the same string literal.
p = "XYZWVU";
however, does not alter the string literal pointed to by s. What this does is change what pointer p is pointing to. When you do this, pointer p and s are each pointing at different string literals.