Problem printing
so, im kinda new to python, im sorry if this question sounds silly if Player == CPU: print("Computer: " + str((CPU))) print("Player: " + str((Player)) print("Draw!") elif Player == "rock": if CPU =="paper": print("Computer: " + str((CPU)) print("Player: " + str(User)) print("Computer wins!") else print("Computer: " + str((CPU)) print("Player: " + str(User)) print("Player wins!") this is part ofthe code of the little game im doing of rock, paper, scissors but when i compile, it gives me syntax error, with the second print command i think the problem it's something like i can't do a second printing command, but i don't find this making much sense, i don't think either that i have to put "\n" everytime can be the solution, because i think i see other codes using the print command multiple times afther a if command what im supposed to do?