+ 4
I have a question friends if I became certified of sololearn certification what I can do for it?I mean can i work for it ?
Plz give me detail about it
6 Answers
+ 5
Thank u bro it is very important I f I put my potential employer it is so fun
+ 3
There are only a very few SL users who work for it. The rest of us are mere users and unpaid volunteers.
+ 2
Not really, SoloLearn certificate is not going to change anything, what would change things is using the knowledge that got you the certificate to make projects.
+ 2
You can put the certificate in your resume to show a potential employer during a job interview. The more certifications, the better.
+ 1
You can take a certificate at code.org and the points you gain there will help you much for a job even in big companies.
But learning from SL is easier.
There are many jobs online where you can use your skills to earn a handsome amount of money . Well, it's just an answer out of many. I mean you can work for it😜.