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This kind of stuff is what makes me stop
There are six relational operators that can be used to form a Boolean expression, which returns true or false This is the kind of stuff that “scares me off”, and makes me stop learning, because I don’t understand what it’s saying, like “What is a Boolean Expression”, These kinds of things and other coding related things that appear complex to me make me think “I’m never going to be able to code games because there is so much to learn and I won’t remember 90% of it”
4 Answers
+ 3
To be honest:
If you don't have the effort to learn six different expressions (from which you will likely only use 3) you will never be able to create games in the long term.
Coding is about experimenting and creating stuff, not about pushing oneself to make a game. Wrong attitude.
+ 1
Google and Stack Overflow are great friends of programmers. If it confounds you, research it ;)
Else if it's something that you tried and failed to research, asking on specific matters helps too.
Unnecessarily detailed wording, I agree. But at least the tutorial explains what a boolean expression is right after: something that is true or false.
So we can simplify the sentence to:
"The six relational operators return true or false."
For example, `2 > 4` is `false`. `4 >= 2` is `true`.
Hope that helped.
PS: In general, an "X expression" is something that returns "X". `true` is a boolean so that would form a boolean expression.
`4 + 4` is an integer expression because you get an integer (a whole number) out of it, namely `8`.