+ 2
Solo Learn course quizzes too easy?
Does anyone else think that the solo learn course questions are a bit too easy? I also think they don't have enough questions.
4 Answers
+ 3
I dont think its meant to be hard. It is just basic revision of what you just learned
+ 2
On top of that you have infinite tries
+ 1
True. You can also use XP to skip it. I wrote a review and asked them if they could make quizzes a little longer and harder. I wish instead of for example "fill in the blanks to print hello world.
print ('hello BLANK')"
It would be more like fill in the blank to print hello world.
This is two years old but still true. Ive completed 5 courses much too easily and I still feel like a noob. I wish the course had forced me to work harder-learn better.