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Hi, i have a web code (html,css, js) but it has different style in mobile , pc , chrome , firefox and so on how i can fix it?
10 Answers
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yes responsive
+ 3
Bootstrap is one possible way to handle responsive pages, but it's just one framework among others, binding Css and sometimes JS... This can be done by many ways ^^
@ehsan shahbazi:
Do you mean that your html render differently on each browsers, instead to be the same? And you want to have same display on each?
You must at least post your code, and/or be more accurate in your request to hope help ^^
+ 3
i can send my code but it is too long about 700 lines
do you want to see my code?
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If you put it in code playground, you can post a link to it ( and/or make it public ) so we can take a look to at least have an idea ;)
But for a complete/complex page, adapt it to be fully cross-browsers compatible may require big work ( as more as you must test almost configurations of browsers/devices )... and way suggested by @L.M. can be useful ( rewrite page using framework(s) is helpful to handle cross-browsers compatibility ).
Anyway, you must envisage to reduce your pretention according to cross-browsers compatibility... and handling mobile device correctly multiply difficulties...
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the name of code is web
thank you
i used bootstrap i it didnt work ...
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Well, it is as this point that you understand the advantage to test targeting browsers/devices along development from start :P
At first look I see in your <head> both 'w3s.css' and 'bootstrap': when you said "i used bootstrap i it didn't work', did you mean you just add the lines about it in <head>, no more?
Anyway, you cannot make coexisting this two frameworks together...
And to start, we need to know on what browser/device you have develop/expected display? Do you have at least one configuration with expected display?
However, first track to follow, is to check all your ( long ) css rules, and add the prefixed versions needed for support all browsers/devices expected ( you can find tools to automatize that: search for 'css prefixer online' or something like )... You have to do same for JS ( but can't automatize ), except it seems you have very few JS in your code, so even the 'JQuery' link in <head> is unnecessary, if you don't use 'bootstrap'...
I maybe further take a look ( not sure ), but you must imagine do almost work yourself, and advice you to seriously study 'bootstrap' ( or 'w3s.css': I get even a sligtly preference for it, as he seems lightly, and don't require JS ) and rewrite your code with it from scratch ( search to adapt existing to a framework would be a waste of time ^^ ).
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thank you , i know, i am rookie because i just start learning (html, css, js) about one month 😀 but again thank you about time that you spent for me ...
+ 1
use BOOTSTRAP Framework for creating responsive websites with professional designs. As it provides various elements like - containers, wells, panels, alertboxes, navigation bar etc., it is very easy to use it in your web application.
You can learn it from - http://www.w3schools.com/bootstrap/default.asp
+ 1
My attitude isn't bad.
It's in beta
Me: I don't get it
What do you mean by style? Do you want it to be responsive on all technology devices? Then that would be bootstrap