+ 2
Why are you learning how to program?
Just for the fun of it or career choice or something more interesting? 😎
17 Answers
+ 6
As a passion ❤
+ 4
As a challenge from a Friend before I fell in love with it😃😇😋
+ 4
For hobby, career, I love working with computers so why not learn about the language
+ 3
Cz it is someting crazy for me😂🎀
+ 3
My fiance is a developer so I'm really trying to get his jokes xD
Plus, I like learning in general so it's fine
+ 3
I am learning programming as it makes you better at thinking and creating logics
+ 2
As a hobby.
+ 2
+ 2
Career change. I developed a disability and can't be a chef without immense difficulty. I love video games so I want to develop my own now.
+ 2
I think for all that you say. For fun, because I like it, etc
+ 1
actaully working in apps. I'm a above average full stack dev
+ 1
The idea is to solve today's problems.The set of problems worldwide require this skill
+ 1
Just I love the idea of making new things with those languages
+ 1
For becoming junior programmer.
+ 1
Yo, personalmente, me gustó desde hace años la idea de realizar páginas web con un excelente diseño. Comencé a estudiar por mi cuenta el html viendo el código al guardar páginas de Internet.
Ahora que quiero seguir practicando, pues resulta que ya hay más códigos como css, javascript, php etc, y por eso ahora estoy volviendo a aprender.
En pocas palabras: por hobby, y para llenarme de más conocimientos digitales. Me gusta la programación.
Eng: basically: hobby and because I like the design and programmer.
Sorry, I'm learning English.