Tips for new programmers/coders wanting to get into game design?
Sorry if I sound stupid or sound like a complete noob here, but i'd like some advice, if that's okay. :) I'm really wanting to make some games of my own, and I'll be a bit specific here- I want to make games with two-dimensional (AKA 8-bit, pixelated, blah blah blah...) graphics, and I have a Windows 10 laptop I'm planning to do my work on. There are many languages out there- I'm aware of this, but does anyone have any recommendations for programming languages and engines/environments that I'm supposed to download and program on? Something that supports two-dimensional graphics, because I love the old graphics style. ^^ And if you have any tips, I would greatly appreciate that, too. Sorry if I've rambled on too much about anything unrelated. I'm quite young, so I know that young people sound super cringey over the internet.