+ 3
How to add new course?
Hello everyone. I wanna add some new courses community. How I can do it? SoloLearn need to add courses by Kotlin and Go languages. Because today it is mainstream languages for Android platform and backend.
5 Answers
I don't think that there is any other way to create course but to submit course lessons separately and then you need to wait for SoloLearn to approve your lessons.
Kotlin was the last course they added and it was almost 2 years ago (by looking at the comments). We all want new courses that's for sure, but it's up to SoloLearn to approve, create, and add them.
+ 4
Go to "Learn" page then tap on three dots at the top right corner of the screen and tap on "Create Lesson"
Kotlin course already exists :
+ 1
voja thanks, my falt. i have not see it. but i am mean about instrument on platform create some community courses. we need Golang course. you couldn’t ignore interest from community about golang.
maybe BestEasy
How to add new course