How to fix alpha- numeric sequence
I make program in this i want enter bank cheque no. So 123a56jk 123a56jq So first three digit fix to entry decimal no. And after one character then 2 decimals and... So how to fix and what should I use for this like structure, union, array.....??? But I Compulsury store in sequence if anyone try to wrong entry then program give not valid
3 Answers
Are you trying to check if a user input cheque number in the correct format?
If so, look up regular expression. I've used regex in python and I know it's available in C++, I've just not used it in that language sorry.
Use isalpha() and isdigit() as appropriate on individual elements of the string.
I'd say this strongly depends on what you are planning on doing with the data. If you need to display them only, store it to a string. If you are to carry out user defined operations (comparison, validation, etc) implement a separate class providing these operation.
Hope this helps. Cheers. C
But I Compulsury store in sequence if anyone try to wrong entry then program give not valid