+ 2
Heya lovely community! I was wondering if anyone know about the discord bot programming in Javascript. As discord has their wellknown libs in different languages I was wondering if you actually learn enough here to be able to programm such a bot by then. Thanks in advance and sorry if this sounds complicated and such. Not good in asking stuff haha.
4 Answers
+ 1
I often use Discordrb(Ruby) for bot development.
Sololearn definitely teaches enough but the difficult part is learning the actual library. You'll often be stuck to learning by example because the documentation is confusing for beginners.
+ 1
Yeah of course learning the lib will be the most difficult task. Thank you for answering!
So after 21 days I now made my bot on discord. Not much but it works. I understand the discord.js lib and the JavaScript helped me quite well as well. I will keep working on it and will make it a quite cool bot I hope. ^^
yes you can as it teaches the language itself. after finishing this js course watch vids on discord.js than go to documentation. if you want to understand javascript ASK QUESTIONS