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How can i seperate a long number like int numb= 233 into int a=2 int b= 3 int c=3
6 Answers
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You should cast to string the given number and convert to integer each character composing the string
+ 4
Sure, try this! ;)
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you could store each single integer to an array
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if you have to make operations on the results try this:
int bigNumber = 321;
int a = bigNumber/100; //a is 3
bigNumber-=a*100; //bigNumber is 2(321-300)
int b = bigNumber /10; // b is 2
int c= bigNumber-b*10; //c is 1 (21-20)
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michael how can i use the variables so i can use them in a formel like 233=int a int b= 2 int c =3 int d =3 b*3 +c*5+d*9=sum
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can you pls give me a exemple