+ 2

Please what are the best language to get started

C- java -sql

19th Oct 2019, 8:35 AM
4 Answers
+ 10
if you have the time, you can go through the different courses on Sololearn which are all great- they are not long courses, and are all accessible to beginners. This will give you a “taster” to see which ones you enjoy the most, as well as how they relate to different career paths.( game design, web development, machine learning etc)
19th Oct 2019, 3:46 PM
Jojo - avatar
+ 4
Python may be easiest, because you don't need to care about main function, return types and datatype headings. Many programmers started with Python only to get basic understanding in programming self, then it is easier to learn other programming languages. Some programmers would recommend C because many modern programming languages are highly based on C. Java would also be good, because it currently the most used programming language and thus it offers more jobs. Kotlin would be good, because some programmers say it would take Java's place in future. SQL is important, but I recommend you to get familiar with any programming language first.
19th Oct 2019, 8:53 AM
Seb TheS
Seb TheS - avatar
+ 3
Thanks for your help
19th Oct 2019, 10:05 AM
+ 1
Go with Java man...You will learn Oop which will surely take time but after learning java ...you can learn any language in a short time!
19th Oct 2019, 9:00 AM
SilentxKnight - avatar