I need a php person to we help me write a code please
it's the first message I sent
4 Answers
What code will do?
If the credit card selected is VISA, then the:
credit card number (CCN) must contain only digits;
CCN must be exactly 15 digits in length;
CCN must not be all zeroes;
credit card number, taken as a 15-digit integer, must be a multiple of 113. Example: 139506171583899 is a multiple of 113, whereas 224604938284130 is not.
If the credit card selected is MAGMA, then the CCN:
must contain only digits;
must be exactly 16 digits in length, but no larger than 9007000000000000;
must not be all zeroes;
taken as a 16-digit integer, with the digit positions numbered from 1..16 from most- to least-significant, must have the sum of the four digits in positions 5..8 equal the sum of the four digits in positions 9..12.
Example: 2857463206813856 is valid because 4+6+3+2=15 and 0+6+8+1=15.
If the credit card selected is MasterCard, then the CCN:
must contain only digits;
must be exactly 16 digits in length, but no larger than 9007000000000000;
must not be all zeroes;
taken as a 16-digit integer, with the digit positions numbered from 1..16 from most- to least-significant, must have the digit in position 8 be even, the digit in position 12 be odd, and the digit in position 16 be even.
Example: 8473658671239584 is valid because 6 is even, 3 is odd, and 4 is even.
Ensure that none of the controls are left blank.
Internet Authoring e-commerce operation concludes with an on-line sale by having the client (user) present their credit card information (e.g., credit card number, expiration date, and credit card verification (CCV) number) for processing by the server. Normally to reduce the load on the server and to reduce the communications bandwidth between the client and server, it is beneficial to use a client-side script to perform syntactic validation of the information provided. However, for this assignment you will be performing server-side validations, with minimal client-side validations.
You are required to:
design a credit card payment page that asks the user to:
select which credit card is being used (radio buttons) Types: VISA, MAGNA, MASTER CARD
enter the credit card number (textbox)
select its expiration date: ask the user to input the month and year of the expiration date, and then a drop-down menu of twelve choices (January through December) for the month, and a drop-down menu of six choices (2017-2022) for the year.
enter the credit card’s CCV. (textbook)
Note: When the user clicks “submit” your PHP scripts will apply the verification rules detailed below; you are to print an appropriate message if all verifications are successful. There should also be a “reset” button.
@ Ayman Dasa I post it above