+ 1
Do SVG codes take lot of work?
On most of SVG codes I see, it has a bunch of numbers with some letters. Wouldn't it mean they have to test their code almost every a few numbers they put in to make sure they're going on the right path. I love SVG codes and animations, I never tried it myself though.
3 Answers
+ 3
You can use software such as Adobe Illustrator to make SVG images. Most people do not have the time or patience to sit and do SVG by hand.
+ 2
I just used online svg editor
to make a star.
<svg width="580" height="400" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<!-- Created with Method Draw - http://github.com/duopixel/Method-Draw/ -->
<rect fill="#fff" id="canvas_background" height="402" width="582" y="-1" x="-1"/>
<g display="none" overflow="visible" y="0" x="0" height="100%" width="100%" id="canvasGrid">
<rect fill="url(#gridpattern)" stroke-width="0" y="0" x="0" height="100%" width="100%"/>
<title>Layer 1</title>
<path stroke="#000" id="svg_1" d="m119.5,161.52125l130.25134,0l40.24867,-124.52125l40.24869,124.52125l130.25132,0l-105.37536,76.95749l40.25075,124.52125l-105.3754,-76.95958l-105.37538,76.95958l40.25076,-124.52125l-105.37539,-76.95749z" stroke-width="1.5" fill="#fff"/>