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I'm experience problem with my program! Early today i can't edit code texts neither type in android studio. How to fix it pls?
Can't type in android studio
5 Answers
+ 2
Aaron Johnson https://stackoverflow.com/q/31698041/9973584
Follow this thread!!!
+ 1
It common problem in android studio, it happens when you lost focus of your codes.
Just do this :
Go to file -> invalidate caches/restart
+ 1
"I'm experiencing a problem with Android Studio! Early today I can't edit code text neither type in Android Studio. How to fix it please?"
Does this sound clearer than the original?
Please add 'Android Studio' in your question's tags to improve context clarity 👍
+ 1
Chirag Kumar Thank you very much!
I fixed it👍👍
I have tried that but it does not work! Please any idea?