Php help
Hi all, Trying to figure how to do this with php. Create a form class with a constructor that accepts the following parameters. o form method o form action Any assistance please. What would the code look like with explanation.
12 Answers
+ 2
I've made a simple example for you. There are libraries to help build html forms. If you want it for learning purposes check out my code.
+ 1
In the bottom part of the code are two examples of how to use the Form class. Lets see one of them:
// This creates a new form
$myForm = new Form();
// The first text input is added
$myForm->add('text', 'username');
// The first submit button is added
// Output the form to the document
echo $myForm;
When the last line is executed, the __toString() method of Form class is called.
+ 1
The __toString() method generates a string, containing html markup for the form and the elements within it. Here is the code explained:
// Method to get the form as a string
public function __toString() {
// Assign to a variable the opening <form> tag with method and action
$html = "<form method=\"$this->method\" action=\"$this->action\">";
// For each element added to the form concat to html an <input> tag
// Here is where the text input and the submit button added to the form are created as html tags
foreach ($this->elements as $elem)
$html .= "<input type=\"{$elem['type']}\" name=\"{$elem['name']}\" /><br />";
// Concat to the html variable the closing </form> tag
$html .= "</form>";
// Return the string
return $html;
Ernesto how does the code render a form on the output with the html <form> element in it. I don't see it anywhere but the output shows two text areas and two submit buttons.
I am use to seeing code between html form tags but is this code is renders it anyway. What code is producing the two submit buttons and the text areas?
I think I would where the form is made below. But where is the submit button coded?
// Method to get the form as a string
public function __toString() {
$html = "<form method=\"$this->method\" action=\"$this->action\">";
// Method to get the form as a string
public function __toString() {
$html = "<form method=\"$this->method\" action=\"$this->action\">";
foreach ($this->elements as $elem)
$html .= "<input type=\"{$elem['type']}\" name=\"{$elem['name']}\" /><br />";
$html .= "</form>";
return $html;
I love it PHP is becoming my favorite web development programming language is like HTML with super powers
( ! ) Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class Form in C:\wamp64\www\PHPConstructor3\other-page.php on line 32
Call Stack
1 0.0006 247352 {main}( ) ...\index.php:0
2 0.0012 265672 include_once( 'C:\wamp64\www\PHPConstructor3\other-page.php' ) ...\index.php:4
getting errors above I made a other-page.php file
I used created a file include_once "other-page.php";
This is my code. Can you tell me what I did wrong and give me an example of the other-page.php code would look like?
This what I coded
class MyClass {
public $var = 'I love OOP';
public function __construct($text){
$this->var = $text;
public function my_function() {
echo $this->var;
$myclass = new MyClass('Meh, OOP is alright');
$newclass = new MyClass('Hi');
$myclass -> my_function();
$newclass -> my_function();
<!DOCTYPE html>
if (isset($_POST['submit']))
$name = $_POST['name'];
echo "User has submitted the form and entered this name : <b> $name </b>";
echo "<br> You can use the following form again to enter a new name.";
<form method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>">
<input type="text" name="name"><br>
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit Form">
I see nothing wrong with the code you have posted here. However the message "Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class Form" suggests that the Form class is being declared or included in more than one place. You have to check all your other php files.
Can you code a simple other-page.php file that would link to the index file you made? I think I am confusing how the code should like and how to incorporate ""require or include " properly
I figured it out how would I enable and disable the submit button using Javascript based on code you did? This code works but don't know how to incorporate it.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<button id="myBtn">My Button</button>
<p>Click the button below to disable the button above.</p>
<button onclick="myFunction()">Try it</button>
function myFunction() {
document.getElementById("myBtn").disabled = true;