+ 8
What are arrays and matrices? How are they differ from each other?
வரிசைகள் மற்றும் அணிகள் என்றால் என்ன? அவ்விரண்டும் எவ்வாறு ஒவ்வொரிலிருந்து வித்தியாசம் பெறுகிறது?
4 Answers
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Arrays are simple arrangements of any types of data in multidimensional perceptive...
Matrices are two dimensional arrays of only numerical data...
Arrays are just data representation... But matrices have special capabilities to do numeric operations with respect to various implementations to various branches of higher mathematics.... But arrays primarily used in Statistics as data representation tools ...
+ 4
arrays are use to solve matrices problems, there not the same any ways
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For simplicity-
int arr[4]; -> array
int arr[4][4]; -> matrix
+ 2
2 points to remember for arrays
1. contiguous memory allocation
2. all data of same type
A matrix is basically an array of arrays of same lengths.