How do you explain the following function?
Please help me understand how the last line in the read () function in cpp below does not let the 0 to be counted? void read (int a[], int& n); cout<< “Enter integers. Terminate with 0: \n”; n=0; do{ cout<< “a[“<<n<<“]: “; cin >> a[n]; } while (a[n++] !=0 && n<100 ); - - n;
7 Answers
+ 1
It is perfectly working...
If you want to print last 0 also , then just remove n--;
In read function...
here you are taking size variable reference as argument so changes in the function affects original value.
Its better to show full code.. Or run it in the play ground and share link here..
Are you taking about
If yes, some times it depends on the compiler. So specify clearly..
what is the purpose of the read() function?
The entire code is:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void read(int [], int&);
void print( int [], int);
long sum (int [], int);
const int MAXSIZE=100;
int main(){
int a[MAXSIZE]={0}, size;
read (a,size);
cout << "The array has " <<size <<" elements: ";
print (a,size);
void read(int a[], int& n){
cout <<"Enter integers. Terminate with 0: \n";
cout << "a ["<<n<<"]: ";
cin >> a[n];
while (a[n++] !=0 && n<MAXSIZE);
void print (int a[], int n){
for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
cout <<a[i]<<" ";
you have a | do{} while | loop in your code, that's the problem, it will not work in playground, because it's not a real terminal. it will not wait for you to enter 0 to terminate.
try your code on a computer.
@ Jaya Krishna Thanks. Sorry but I think I have not asked my question clearly. I want to know how the line (--n) prevents the reading of 0. As an explanation for this line I have (//don't count the 0).
Its ok. Fine... And Wel come