C# :To find the highest salary of each department. It will return in dictionary form
Data consists of ID,name, department (engg, testing),salary. I have to calculate highest salary in each department. It will return ID and name of employee. Data has total 6 entries with 3 from engg and 3 from testing department Function is half written I have to modify with returning type string and the data that is being passed is Of IEnumerable<string> type. Can anyone help. As I am unable to handle enum
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Data is given like "22,John, Engineering,1600000"
"23, Mike, Testing, 800000"
"27, Elen, Engineering, 600000"
format such 6 entries, I have to fetch entry on the basis of second last entry ( Engineering /Testing) which corresponds to maximum last entry(1600000,80000)
That I am able but the format of data what should I use like enum,struct,table or a separate class