Can anyone help me
Hi, I'm new to java, and I need help with a code that if two objects make contact, then I win
8 Answers
+ 2
Can you please explain your question further? How are the objects shaped? how do you handle their position? are you using a jframe? If you are using rectangles for example, take a look at AABB Collision. There are a bunch of codes online that'll help with that.
+ 1
Coder's Crux I am making a parking game and the car is a rectangle and the winning spot is an ellipse. The rectangle is controllable.
+ 1
Okay, This task should actually be pretty simple, but tell me if I'm picturing this right. If the car hits any other parking lot with a car it fails. Is the parking lot shaped like a standard rectangular one, and if so, how is the winning spot going to be? at which point are you going to win. I do suggest though, that all your collision wil be with rectangles, as that's the easiest to do.
Also, could you perhaps attach a picture? I'd love to help you as much as I can cause I'm currently making a 2d game engine in java doing all of these things.
All collisions on rectangles WILL result in a loss
Are all the levels hand-made?
EDIT: Alright, this is taking way too many posts, do you want to move to a private conversation?
Coder's Crux yes please