How to run my code on different computers? - Windows defender problem
I'm creating realy simple programs to learn basics of c++ and I wanted to share them with my friends. But when I send them some of my programs first the download is blocked and than when you say you really want to download it Windows defender blocks it when they start it. So the question is: How can I make it, that the program can work on other computers and does not look suspicious to Windows?
5 Answers
+ 1
Pretty much.
I'm not an expert on virus scanners but the reasoning is that virus scanners do heuristic scans ( among other things ) on your program's memory and compare it with data of known viruses.
If your program is small and has a section in it that looks like something that those viruses use, then it might not have much more information to distinguish it from something else.
Virus programs don't need to be large.
I made one that's less than 100 lines. ( Just for fun though )
+ 1
You don't really.
Sometimes some anti virus programs just mark your innocent application as a virus because it behaves like one or has certain patterns in memory that look like a virus.
My anti virus rarely catches anything that I make as a virus. But sometimes, when I use some sketchy windows API function or write some short code with QT, even it detects it as a virus.
It tends to resolve itself as I expand on the program, or change the way it is written, though.
So usually, the answer is to try to write your code in a different way or to write more code to distinguish it from a virus.
That, or windows defender is just really bad. I never used windows defender in my life so I wouldn't know. Though, maybe they improved it in windows 10 or something.
Anyway, you can upload your .exe here to see how other virus scanners see your program:
Meanwhile, if your friends trust you enough, just tell em to add the executables to an ignore list.
I tried uploading it and all of the virus scanners said that it is ok. It looks like it is problem with moving .exe files to other computers. Is there any way to fix that?
I can recall that I had the same problem when I just started.
It worked fine on my pc, but as soon as I send it to someone, his virus scanner would flag it as well.
Now, with bigger programs, I don't seem to have that issue.
Windows does mark a downloaded program as being from a foreign computer.
Maybe telling them to right clicking the file and remove it in the properties might help? ( at least on windows 7 )
Assuming the virus scanner doesn't just remove it before they get the chance though.
Or, you know, just add a folder or file to the exception list for the virus scanner.
Of I understend correctly you thing that if my programs become complex enough, they won't get flagged anymore?
I don't say it is not true, to me it just doesn't make much sense. Complex programs could be potentially much more harmful than small ones, or can't they?