Can you solve this
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in the code playground
clock the + (new code) button
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click add new code button then web
+ 2
I have plan to create a best website
My plan is to create web page related to friends where we can use html php css js and many more
In first page there are pictures of different friends(pictures like original like a person in tv) when user click picture of friend then hyperlinks related to friend should display by rolling him/her and when user click hyperlinks then in his/her original voice "now you are going to view my background/photos etc" then he/she should walk and go to his/her related hyperlinks. And when user give feedback to particular friend I or Web page digineer should not know the feedback so it directly goes to friend's related Facebook/gmail etc
Is it possible
Please helps me you sand me code or whole solution I am a bit confused. and I have plan to use different types of Web language