+ 5
Are all "code coaches" that easy?
Using python I went through all of the free ones in one evening. Non of them exceeded 10 lines, most of them being just one 'if' statement. I just say I'm pretty disappointed. I was expecting greater challenges. Or are the payed ones more challenging?
14 Answers
+ 10
Yeah, well, I started with Python, so whenever I try to write C, I think:
Why does this have to be so hard? š
Well, that's why there's Python after all, right? Just a huge, slow mecha suit around C. ;-)
Good practice to do by hand for once, what's otherwise being handled for you.
+ 10
They need to introduce code coach challenges in Assembly to really challenge you.
+ 9
Do them in C or in other programming languages.
python makes things a lot easier.
+ 7
I also did them in C, so that I actually have to do something.
Later, for the lolz, I did them in Py. And yeah, that's often a oneliner.
The tasks are relatively simple and straightforward - and Python's just the language to do all the regular stuff for you. I mean, that's the whole point, right?
So, yeah, if you tie one arm behind your back, doing it in C, you'll write more code.
If still too easy, do them without any include except IO. At least some of them will become a bit tricky.
+ 5
Yeah. The paid one r a bit challenging than free ones. But not much that may be...
+ 5
Jakub Äervinka Its good for you, if you think all "code coaches" are too easy .. But you should try and understand from newbie's perspective, if someone starts learning and see his efforts resulting in little ones .. thn for him these "easy ones" matters
+ 4
I've enjoyed the free code coaches so far and done all but 2 easy ones in C# (my first language). It's my understanding that C# is easier than C, but harder than Python. Somewhere on the same level as JavaScript if I'm correct.
As for the 2 I didn't do yet, they involve flipping individual words from strings which idk how to do yet, so they do provide some challenge to me and sometimes make me research and debug a few times.
All that said, I find a sense of accomplishment for each one I complete and validate my learning.
+ 3
Will we have machine code tasks then as well?
+ 3
First you implement your interpreter, then after copy&pasting it in every code you'll have again a single line to modify.
+ 2
Gitanshu Choudhary, in the beginning, everything is hard.
Objectively, the riddles require only very little coding skill - but obviously, this 'very little' has to be in place first.
I think after someone just came here, they shouldn't try code coach rightaway.
First you have to acquire some knowledge of the language, not even the full material of the tutorial, but maybe half of it, and a bit of practice, playing around with everything, trying to write some code.
We've had this with challenges too, remember? 'I finished the tutorial, why do I fail at challenges?'
Different sets of material on Sololearn require different skill levels.
i think code coaches are hard af