+ 7
Does here anyone who is full stack web developer.
Actually i want to know how I can become full stack web developer or how it is easy or hard.how i can get a internship and how does it take to time to land a average job as a full stack web developer.
7 Answers
+ 16
That’s a lot of different questions.
You should know that almost everyone is techinically a “full stack” developer because you need to know a little about the frontend and little about the backend to be a web developer.
You should also know that in the industry, people who say they are “Full Stack” are not veiwed very favorably by experienced developers. When you say you are full stack what people actually read is:
“I am a jack of all trades but a master of none.”
Its better to say you are a web developer that specializes in the frontend or the backend.
Frontend: html, css, javascript, angular, react, etc. Frontend works on what users see and experience: colors, design, website structure, animations. Client-side.
Backend: Python on Django Flask, Ruby on Rails, Java Spring, etc. Backend works on databases and server communication. Server-side.
+ 11
if you want to land a job or internship, focus on creating a portfolio with at least 5 or 6 projects that include a website that you made that shows snippets of your code and explains what you had to do make them.
Post your website on linkedin and look for freelance work on upwork and fivver. Everything you work on, include in your portfolio and constantly update your website with whatever you worked on. Apply to jobs aggressively.
+ 9
Maninder $ingh No not at all! Python on Django is great. I’m assuming you want a job as a backend engineer.
You know Django so you have your server-side programming language(python) and framework(django).
You should also have an understanding of database management systems. MySQL/MongoDB/Oracle. Just pick one, i like MySQL, but its up to you.
Also I would include in your portfolio API work. Show that you understand how to access an API and extract and manipulate data from it. Bonus if you make a database and create API documentation for it so other people can access you data. That’s huge.
I found this article that pretty much mirrors what I said with extra info:
I love backend work! I don’t enjoy doing CSS very much. I’m not much of an artist, but architecting a database and making it easy for people to read and extract data is like getting paid to solve puzzles.
+ 5
Ivan I know only Django does i need to know all back-end languages and frameworks like java spring,ruby on rails etc.
+ 5
Ivan #hats_off.
you will fast Learn the front End Languages those include
html 5
After You well in those u can learn Back end languages
More on JavaScript
C++ For web Servers
- 1
I'm doing computer science