+ 1

I crashed Solo Learn's all Test Cases in Password Validation Challange.

I have write this code for Password Validation Challange and I used sets in my program. Keep in mind that sets can't possess duplicate characters. Check my code below. It has passed all Test Cases of Solo Learn. But it fails at this type of input. But these types of inputs are Strong as per Challange. ex. Input : Output : Expected O/P Xxxx11&& :. Weak : Strong Ggg88&&ggg :. Weak : Strong Check it out guys. https://code.sololearn.com/c8miE87tvzPe/?ref=app

14th Jan 2020, 3:03 PM
Ashutosh R. Yadav
Ashutosh R. Yadav - avatar
18 Answers
+ 10
乡Ashutosh°^°Kumar乡 you nothing done new thing it's already been detacted few days ago. as it's inputted so some edge test cases can be flaw which you can report via mail. You can share that implemented code via mail to info@sololearn.com for adding some more test cases. You can share input test cases to them via mail they will fix soon.
14th Jan 2020, 4:53 PM
+ 7
乡Ashutosh°^°Kumar乡 the test cases are updated now make your code more clear to accept that test cases.
15th Jan 2020, 1:03 PM
+ 6
I'm sorry but what exactly do you mean by crashing the solutions?
14th Jan 2020, 4:14 PM
Faisal - avatar
+ 5
Hello! Do you have a question regarding that code? If not, please try to only use this section for asking programming-related questions as to avoid violating any of the guidelines. Additionally, please try to avoid sharing your code coach solutions in the future https://www.sololearn.com/discuss/1316935/?ref=app
14th Jan 2020, 3:30 PM
Faisal - avatar
+ 4
乡Ashutosh°^°Kumar乡 when you said: "Do you read what I have written before posting the code !!"
15th Jan 2020, 10:14 AM
Aymane Boukrouh
Aymane Boukrouh - avatar
+ 3
乡Ashutosh°^°Kumar乡 no problem, from your answers on other posts I can see very well how good your intentions are, I just wanted to tell you. And yes, in my country as well, exclamation mark is considered as anger, so I am used to it that way.
15th Jan 2020, 10:29 AM
Aymane Boukrouh
Aymane Boukrouh - avatar
+ 2
Aymane Boukrouh [INACTIVE] Can you please tell me that which word was Harsh from my side on any post.!! I always be nice and talk politely to everyone. If I have said any bad words or harsh words, kindly tell me.
15th Jan 2020, 10:11 AM
Ashutosh R. Yadav
Ashutosh R. Yadav - avatar
+ 2
Dear Aymane Boukrouh [INACTIVE] I am sorry if it sounds harsh to you. But brother I want to make you know that here Exclamation marks means I am not sure that u had read it. ( In many countries people consider Experience mark as Anger. ) But trust me brother I was not intended to say that in bad meaning. It was a humble request to you to read it again. And I am also sorry if it hurted you.
15th Jan 2020, 10:27 AM
Ashutosh R. Yadav
Ashutosh R. Yadav - avatar
+ 2
Aymane Boukrouh [INACTIVE] According to my country we take Exclamation marks as 'confusion' or 'not knowing something properly' or ' award situation' So that, I am used to of it. Hope you will understand. Rest is all up to you. Thank you. Have a great day.
15th Jan 2020, 10:33 AM
Ashutosh R. Yadav
Ashutosh R. Yadav - avatar
+ 1
Dear Faisal Do you read what I have written before posting the code !! I am showing that it is crashing the Test cases of Solo Learn. I am not intended to share the solution. Solo Learn must be careful about their Test Cases. That's all.
14th Jan 2020, 4:05 PM
Ashutosh R. Yadav
Ashutosh R. Yadav - avatar
+ 1
Paste my program in password validation challenge. U will see that it passes all Nine Test Cases. But as per challenge this input (Ggggg44&&&) should give output 'Strong' But it is giving output 'Weak'. So that, if my program is not proper then it must not be able to pass all the Test Cases. But it passed all the Test Cases of Solo Learn. That is all I am saying that, it is crashing Test Cases. Faisal
14th Jan 2020, 4:43 PM
Ashutosh R. Yadav
Ashutosh R. Yadav - avatar
+ 1
乡Ashutosh°^°Kumar乡 I remember you posted about it before, and I told you that your code was wrong, yet you insisted on using it. Just because you passed test cases does not mean your code is wrong, it's not even that big of a deal to be happy about. The logic behind your code is wrong, because that is not what the problem asks you to do, so it was just by luck that you passed them, and not because you "crashed" them intentionally. Also, the way you respond to others might be harsh sometimes, try to pick your words better.
15th Jan 2020, 9:55 AM
Aymane Boukrouh
Aymane Boukrouh - avatar
+ 1
Wow.. GAWEN STEASY Did you mailed for it??
15th Jan 2020, 1:25 PM
Ashutosh R. Yadav
Ashutosh R. Yadav - avatar
Hello! Do you have a question regarding that code? If not, please try to only use this section for asking programming-related questions as to avoid violating any of the guidelines. Additionally, please try to avoid sharing your code coach solutions in the future
15th Jan 2020, 12:39 PM
Breth hadjirul
Breth hadjirul - avatar
Sir I failed at 4th test case only Can you help me with it ?
21st Sep 2020, 6:46 PM
Rahul Biswas
Rahul Biswas - avatar
#include <stdio.h> #include<string.h> int main() { char str[50]; int sp=0,num=0,check=1,len,i; gets(str); for(len=0;str[len]!='\0';len++) { if(str[len]==' ') { check=0; } } if((check==1)&& (len>=7)) { for(i=0;str[i]!='\0';i++) { if((str[i]==33)|| (str[i]==35)||(str[i]==36)||(str[i]==37) ||(str[i]==38)||(str[i]==42) || (str[i]==64)) sp++; if((str[i]>=48)&&(str[i]<=57)) num++; } if((sp>=2)&& (num>=2)) { printf("Strong"); } else printf("Weak"); } return 0; }
21st Sep 2020, 6:46 PM
Rahul Biswas
Rahul Biswas - avatar
My code is this it passes every test case expect 4th one .pls help me if you can
21st Sep 2020, 6:47 PM
Rahul Biswas
Rahul Biswas - avatar