+ 1

Has anybody worked on post estimation???

Tensor flow provides pose estimation module. Im trying to label certain poses

15th Jan 2020, 10:47 AM
Bharath nayak
Bharath nayak - avatar
4 Answers
+ 2
Bharath nayak If you want to do real time detection of movement then you need to wrote an efficient algorithm for that purpose which can addon with the detection here is an video which can help you in that purpose https://youtu.be/wh7_etX91ls
23rd Jan 2020, 11:13 AM
DishaAhuja - avatar
+ 1
Bharath nayak Have an look over this and if you have any further query then ping me I'll help you out https://blog.tensorflow.org/2018/05/real-time-human-pose-estimation-in.html?m=1
23rd Jan 2020, 10:35 AM
DishaAhuja - avatar
+ 1
DishaAhuja I need to label certain poses. Like kicking punching so on. So I could implement it to detect irregular behaviors. I'm having difficulty with setting labels to certain poses
23rd Jan 2020, 10:59 AM
Bharath nayak
Bharath nayak - avatar
+ 1
DishaAhuja I can't detect abnormal behaviors using object detection. Hence I went for pose estimation
23rd Jan 2020, 12:13 PM
Bharath nayak
Bharath nayak - avatar