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Python VS C++
So i want to start learning code but i am wondering what code is the overall best to learn. I am taking in the consideration:What code is easier, better at certain things and what code has high "skill-ceiling" and is more rewarding for learning it.
1 Answer
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start with python to understand programming concepts, especially everything regarding object oriented programming, exception handling, control structures and so on.
data types and data structures work slightly different between languages so make sure to learn handling the important data structures in both languages.
python is much more beginner friendly. c++ is more low level which offers more options than high level languages, but requires much more lines of code to solve rather trivial problems.
I suggest switching to C++ after mastering python if you're into the technical aspects of programming, but I don't mean that you should drop python. both can be better or worse than the other in a given situation.
pragmatically speaking, you'll probably end up using python when you can, and using c++ when you must.
in the end though it mostly depends on what kind of applications you wish to develop. here's some suggested further reading: https://www.bitdegree.org/tutorials/python-vs-c-plus-plus/amp/