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How to pass batman gotham city 5th case
Below is the code please inspect:: using System; namespace SoloLearn { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { int input = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); if(input > 0 && input <5) Console.WriteLine("I got this!"); else if(input >= 5 && input <10) Console.WriteLine("Help me Batman"); else if(input >= 10) Console.WriteLine("Good Luck out there!"); else Console.WriteLine("Nothing to worry about"); } } }
4 Answers
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Abhishek Pun
1) there are only three outputs:
Output Format:
A string that says 'I got this!', 'Help me Batman', or 'Good Luck out there!' depending on the scenario.
2)Check your conditions (if-else)
+ 1
Here’s a simple solution for C#:
Hi abhishek in second condition make input<=10. I cleared all the test cases with the following code
import java.*;
import java.util.Scanner;
class Batman
public static void main(String arg[])
int criminal=0;
Scanner sc=new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("I got this!");
else if(criminal>=5 && criminal<=10)
System.out.println("help me out Batman");
System.out.println("Good luck out there!");
1. Why the hell is there a fourth statement?
2. Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); not Int32.Parse.
3. Just put an else statement on the second else if statement.
4. input < 5 in if statement condition.