Creating an interactive html form
Hello Sololearners, I want to create a html form that by calling a "Submit", it would print the entered values by the user, but by adding a specific syntax next to the entered values: What I would like to achieve by clicking submit is something like this: dsadd user "CN=testuser, OU=IT, DC=test, DC=local" -samid tuser -upn test.user@test.local -display "Firstname Lastname" -fn Firstname -ln Lastname -pwd P@ssw0rd -tel 123456 -email test.user@test.local -pwdneverexpires yes -dept IT -desc IT where CN, OU, samid, display would be all part of the input form below. The initial HTML form would be something like this, I guess: <html> <body> <form action="C:\Users\localuser\welcome.php method="get"> <!--(or a file called via a script command on javascript? --> First Name: <input type="text"> Last Name <input type="text"> Username<input type="text" name = "samid" > Password<input type="password" name = "password" > E-mail: <input type="text" name="upn"><br> <input type="submit"> </form> </body> </html> etc... I'm not asking for a quick solution, but rather some explanation on where to start, understanding of the possibilities, etc. :) Then, this file would serve as a ready-to-use .bat file with multiple "testuser" lines ready to be executed in bulk. Meaning, the form, should output something like this: dsadd user "CN=testuser1, OU=IT, DC=test, DC=local" -samid tuser -upn test.user@test.local -display "Firstname Lastname" -fn Firstname -ln Lastname -pwd P@ssw0rd -tel 123456 -email test.user@test.local -pwdneverexpires yes -dept IT -desc IT dsadd user "CN=testuser2, OU=IT, DC=test, DC=local" -samid tuser -upn test.user@test.local -display "Firstname Lastname" -fn Firstname -ln Lastname -pwd P@ssw0rd -tel 123456 -email test.user@test.local -pwdneverexpires yes -dept IT -desc IT dsadd user "CN=testuser3, OU=IT, DC=test, DC=local" -samid tuser -upn test.user@test.local -display "Firstname Lastname" -fn Firstname -ln Lastname -pwd P@ssw0rd -tel 123456