+ 1
Bootsrap or css grid in 2020?
Hey guys, I've started learning front end web development about 3 weeks ago, everything is going smooth, but im stuck at crossroads.. Should I put time to learn bootsrap? I've already got the hang of css grid and how it works, and I think I would preffer writting my own css instead of using framework like bootsrap. So do I need boostrap? Do I learn it or should I use that time to perfect my css grid skills? Thank you for your opinion. Tren :)
2 Answers
+ 10
See frameworks are made to make our life easier by writing long number of codes in less possible ways, on the other hand learning css is a must if you wants to become a good frontend developer.
So in my opinion start with css, learn all those advanced topics grid flexbox , then only move to bootstrap.
+ 3
Why not both? framework makes your development faster and makes collaboration easier.