Write a program that translates the vowels of a given phrase to g
Write a program that translates the vowels of a given phrase to m Define a function to create a program that translates the vowels of a phrase. For example this is my cat Translation : thgs gs my cgt
2 Answers
Please try creating the program before asking for help. In case you need some hints, here are some that will help you:
📍Create a function that takes two parameters, the text and the replacement letter.
📍Create a new variable to contain the final string.
📍Use a for loop to go through each character in the provided string. You can use this to check if the character is a vowel:
if char in "aeiou": #if char, or whatever you name the character in the for loop is part of "aeiou", it's a vowel
📍If it is a vowel, add it to the final string variable. Otherwise, add the replacement letter.
def vowel_translator(string):
translator = str.maketrans('aeiou', 'ggggg')
return string.translate(translator)