Question about <a href>
What would be the difference between <a href> and <a href='#'>?
4 Answers
+ 1
I mean both are hyperlinking, I get that, but is the '#' used to ref something inside the same html folder and regular href is mainly for external sources?
+ 1
Use the href attribute to specify the url of the target of the link and # this means to locate the files,photos, videos,folder and make it a hyperlink
yes, # is used to target id, so if you href # it means self, it will reference the element containing the href, used for demo hyperlinks and for not allowing a page in a static website to call itself.
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href="#" -> calling an item(tag) with particular id inside the same .html file
href="url" -> calling some external .html file or completely different external source (ex. Google.com)