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Password validation challenge problems
Hi How exactly do you fix this for the challenge? I had 2 out of 13 tests wrong... :/ import sys pw=input() pwl = list(pw) x=0 def valcheck(listname): rep=0 torf=False for x in listname: if x in pwl: rep += 1 if rep < 2: print("Weak") sys.exit() nums=["0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"] spe=["@","!","#","%","&","*","
quot;] tf= False if len(pw) >= 7: listcheck=nums valcheck(listcheck) listname=spe valcheck(listname) print("Strong") else: print("Weak") sys.exit()3 Answers
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Input: Hello&World&42
Output: Weak
Expected: Strong
Hint: There are two special characters but they're repeated.