+ 7
Russ We already forwarded this and other suggestions to SoloLearn, they don't ignore submissions ;)
+ 5
No worries, it made me feel sorry that you've felt ignored so I just wanted to let you know that we pass in the community submissions whenever we find them.
If you have any further questions feel free to dm me to avoid this thread going offtopic ;)
+ 3
CodePlayRepeat You can turn off DM totally... But not for individuals..
Beside you can only block who are adding you to group, without your interest..
Send it As a inapp feed back, or mail it SoloLearn at
Or ping a mod. They try to help reach this message to Sololearn admin....
+ 3
Hello CodePlayRepeat
You can send a mail to sololearn if you want: info@sololearn.com
I will also forward it.
+ 3
I suggested this on the thread concerning women on here getting harassed through private messages. The idea got completely ignored...
+ 1
Sorry Tashi N I never meant to imply that any mods ignored my suggestion. What I meant by that comment was that no one involved in the thread at the time offered any support for it, said it was a good idea, said they wanted it too, or anything of the sort (apart from some likes of course). I inferred from that that there wasn't any interest in the idea and that was that.
I didn't submit it as an official suggestion/feedback etc.