+ 14
Certificate from online course that made me get an Android/ ios mobile developer job 🤔... and know how to make apps
Just want to know if i take course from edx or courrsera or any other sites 🤔
25 Answers
+ 3
Nada Gaber I think in java, Oracle certification program are helpful among all. We can find details on java documentation site for those scjp, ocpjp programs... Do you checked that?
+ 16
Yes Nada Gaber . You can take courses online from Udemy, Coursera, edx any online platform. And getting job ready through those courses depends on the country you are living in and what are requirements over there.
Also please go through this threads this may give you idea for online certification.
Hopefully, this may help you for what you are looking for.
Edit: you can also learn on FreeCodeCamp.. it's free and you will get opportunity to learn a lot! 😃😅😂
+ 5
Neelakantan Dilip Sololearn and other beginner level certificates are not that useful for jobs in my opinion. But that may depend on your region.
+ 5
Build your own big project - is the best way to get job
+ 4
Post programming related questions and follow community rules
For this question you may search it on Google you will get lot of informations
+ 4
Nada Gaber yes because in many countries the degrees are must before getting any entry level jobs along with some projects and experience.
+ 4
Yes you can but if you learn this courses not soma certificates you have its ™️
+ 3
Sorry .. but i just want to ask about the experience of the other sololearner here because i made a search that only give me the course that i want so
My question is what is the best legit certificate that really could help me to apply for job
+ 3
Nada Gaber pls check the second most upvoted comment in this discussion
+ 3
This needs to be in your personal feed.
+ 3
As LinkedIn is owned by Microsoft. I take LinkedIn Learning seriously. The instructors usually point you towards the next step etc. Except for Security related courses.
+ 2
but isn't this an exam 🤔
I want a course to learn how to make apps and also i can use the certificate
+ 2
Thank you ❤ D Sʜᴀʜ ❤
So most of them are almost the same quality🤔 i guess
+ 2
Thanks Ashraf
+ 2
Nada Gaber Yes. You can take online cources from popular sites edx, courcsera,..etc. But for java, best certification is Oracle certification program. You can apply for that after learning also. There are also level of certification programs for freshers and experienced but among all these certificates are lightens your resume only.....
You mentioned app making, so instead of certificate, do some sample app projects is better I think. Do check about priority of languages near yours region.
edx, udemy, udacity provides lot of app making cources.
For android apps, do check about goolge training and cerfication program
For ios apps swift, kotlin better I think..
I found this best information link
+ 2
Nada Gaber is the certificate issued by Sololearn is worthful 🤔
Do they accept it in the interviews.
+ 2
you will get certified but for get job in ios you have to learning by your own.
+ 2
In my opinion being a programmer whether self-taught or a college graduate, there are a lot of opportunities for both. The most important thing is learning to program and jumping on into cool projects on your own before even finding a team...After getting somewhere with your skills, meaning completing a project that could attract attention from employers...you may earn a cool job without bothering with issues of certification. So, skills first I think.
+ 2
Does Java is better for job
+ 2
As a person who got a job at a tech company I highly recommend you to upgrade your resume with practical projects on your own. Employer doesnt care about your degree or certifications. The only thing that can prove that you are qualify for a job is your last projects. Personally I got my Bsc on electrical engineering but I changed my mind and start coding since two years ago. Right now Im a front end developer.