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Counting string length using recursion
I was trying to make a function that counts the length of a string using recursion .. but I'm stuck I don't know what is wrong with my code especially line number 5.. I know we can use the length property but this isn't the case here https://code.sololearn.com/WFZ89n7sC6Z0/?ref=app https://code.sololearn.com/WFZ89n7sC6Z0/?ref=app
10 Answers
+ 5
I've repaired your version minimally-invasively:
function length(str) {
if (str.length == 1) {return 1;}
var strArray = str.split("");
var strAgain = strArray.join("");
return strArray.length - (strArray.length-1) +
document.write(length("hey there"))
1.) You don't need a variable minus, just pop.
2.) You need to join the array.
3.) No enter after return.
Was this a homework?
It seems somewhat strange to recurse like this through the string when you use method length anyway - you could have used it to begin with.
+ 6
fun srtlen(str, count) {
if str is empty return count
else return strlen(str.pop(),count+1)
pseudo code
+ 4
I don't understand what you're trying to do. string.length already returns the length of the string. And the other way would be to iterate over string using a loop and count up a variable until you reach the end. Recursively however doesn't make sense - at least not from a practical or performance oriented standpoint. But then I'd do it like this: pop the last character from the string and simply return
recusive_length(str) + 1;
and if the string is empty return 0;
+ 3
Copypaste it exactly as I wrote it in my comment. Don't change it.
I did it myself - it does work.
+ 2
Ali Kh, you shortened your array anyway by using pop - storing the value in a variable doesn't change anything about it.
Have you tried running my version?
+ 2
It didn't work tho 😅 .. wait I think I've spot the mistake .. when I declared the variable minus
var minus = strArray.pop();
that actually stores the "POPPED" out value not the string minus the last value
+ 2
https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/program-for-length-of-a-string-using-recursion/ may give the answer
+ 1
Thanks for your help HonFu but I don't think this will work ..
When you pop the array you will lessen the original string length before even counting it
HonFu will try it now .. meanwhile check this solution