Advice about showing image
I have asked this question before and received 2 replies, but neither solved the problem. I am doing a project in code background and want to show an image of my html certificate. Now although the link displays nicely, no image appears. I must be doing something wrong, but what? Advice would be appreciated. Thanks, Jayne 🐱
5 Answers
+ 1
The link to certificates given by sololearn target to a PDF file, wich is not a valid/supported file format (until you install a pdf viewer extension and use the adress as the link href rather than an image src -- if the browser don't have such extension the pdf file will ask user for download to save / open it in another software).
+ 1
The complete steps are:
1) download the certificate
2) convert to jpg (png and gif will works too, but jpg seems the better suited format) -- that's what I implicitly suggested in my previous post...
3) upload the jpg somewhere in internet where you could access with a direct link
4) in the html of the page where you want to include it, put an <img> tag with the attribute 'src' set to the link (in the form such as http(s)://....jpg)
Obviously, if you want let the visitor download the pdf, you could set a <a> link tag, with the attribute 'download' with value the name you want the user save the file, and 'href' attribute with the link from sololearn, without the download/convert/upload steps...
Thank you I will try that. Jayne 🐱