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What is the difference between html and xml?
3 Answers
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both of them are totally different HTML is a web development software whereas XML is used to store data in a human readable format
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The Extensible Markup Language ( XML ) is a generic markup metalanguage that derives from SGML ( Standard Generalized Markup Language ). This syntax is called "extensible" because it allows to define different namespaces, that is, languages ââwith each their vocabulary and grammar, such as XHTML, XSLT, RSS, SVG ... It is recognizable by its use of Rafters (<,>) framing the tags.
SGML is also the language used to define Html, except for the Xhtml branch, wich was based on XML ( but was abandoned with Html5 )... so, in some way, Html and Xml are brother, and XHtml is their incestuous child :P
Purpose of XML is to design specific markup languages for limitless different types of documents.
In web context, XML improves data handling in a more accurate, flexible, and adaptable way.
Maybe you want to know differences between Html and Xml ?
Html1 a long time ago, next 2 ( the real first version ), 3, and Html4 ( 4.01 most commonly used since recent newest Html5 )...
Xhtml was another previous branch ( based on XML instead on SGML, itself base of XML, for main branch ), developed after/during Html4, which was abandonned for profit of Html5 after two great version specifications ( 1.1 and 2.0, even if second was almost dead before born ^^ ).
Xhtml is an old ( now ) branch version, more conform to XML specifications ( instead SGML for 'regular' Html )... You shouldn't use it, it's older as Html4 ( XHtml 1.0 and Html 4.01 are identiqual: only few syntax vary, and lower permissivity for xhtml ).
A version 2.0 was in development: it wouldn't be compatible to introduce new 'X' features. Finally development was stoped on 2009 July by W3C to focus on new successor HTML5...
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XML stores data like settings and is used to transfer data whereas HTML is used to render the webpage in the browser. HTML and XML can be used together, but lately most prefer to use JSON.